Die nachfolgenden Ausführungen fassen die wesentlichsten Änderungen der Begutachtungsentwürfe zusammen. Die Änderungen werden überwiegend mit 1.1.2016 in Kraft treten. (Lesen Sie mehr)
Seit 1.1.2015 ist das, am 12.07.2014 unterzeichnete, Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen zwischen dem von Taipeh verwalteten Gebiet und der Republik Österreich in Kraft. (Lesen Sie mehr)
Der EuGH hat mit Urteil vom 26.9.2013, C-418/11 die österreichische Regelung zu Zwangsstrafen (§ 283 UGB idF BBG 2011) als mit dem Unionsrecht grundsätzlich vereinbar angesehen. Lesen Sie mehr...
European Union law must be interpreted as requiring that a taxable person who has overpaid value added tax which was collected by the Member State contrary to the requirements of European Union legislation on value added tax has a right to reimbursement of the tax collected in breach of European Union law and to the payment of interest on the amount of the latter. It is for national law to determine, in compliance with the principles of effectiveness and equivalence, whether the principal sum must bear ‘simple interest’, ‘compound interest’ or another type of interest (Case C‑591/10).
Pls beware of the due Dates for 2012 Input VAT refund ( June 30, 2013 for extra EU companies, September 30, 2013 for EU companies ) and publication of financial statements as of Dec. 31, 2012 (Sept. 30, 2013)
The period for the reimbursement of 2012 input VAT for non EU businesses in Austria but also for Austrian businesses in extra EU countries Ends in June 2013.
The Ministry of Finance has published its view on certain matters such as subscription to online magazines, storage of goods, vehicle rents, etc., major changes for real property lessors, input VAT deduction and abuse, etc.