One-Stop Solutions

We seek to provide our clients with one-stop solutions. In this respect we are all-rounders, who place emphasis on our particular business areas.

Should the expertise needed in a particular case on a special item or know-how of other consulting sectors not be available in our team, we care for procuring this additional know-how and hand over coordinated solutions.

Personal Commitment

It is important for us that our team members work on our clients’ requests with heart and dedication. We regard not only the company but also our specific contact person as our client, whom we would like to support in his or her specific working field.

You may expect a reliable team continuously aiming for first quality and committed to assist you in your matters personally.

Integration and Communication

FALCON can be characterized by a high level of integration in the co-operation with our clients, with foreign companies and with other professions (such as management consultants, lawyers or facility managers).

Due to our personal approach a high level of communicative skills is required from our staff in the day-to-day interaction with the contact persons at the client, with experts of other industrial sectors and with the FALCON team in other countries.


In providing our services we make use of planning opportunities under high ethical and moral standards and we adhere to these principles.

Unser Blog

Created: 19.07.2022
Update: 19.07.2022
Created: 19.07.2022
Update: 19.07.2022
Created: 18.01.2022
Update: 18.01.2022
Andreas Maitzen


FAL-CON HOLDING GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft and its affiliates are independent members of ALLINIAL GLOBAL ®; ALLINIAL GLOBAL is a registered service mark of The 2019 Allinial Global Intellectual Property Trust in the U.S. and other countries.

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